Email Marketing IS here to stay!

Over the past few years I have been asked one question more than any other. ‘Is email marketing here to stay?’

I am clearly a huge advocate of email marketing, especially as a tool for small businesses to keep in contact with their customers and prospects. And my view is email marketing is here to stay, in fact it's importance to small businesses is growing rapidly year on year. 

So why is email marketing here to stay? This is how I respond when I receive this question.

Millions of companies use it! 

For a so called ‘declining’ marketing tool, there are still millions of companies (of all sizes) sending email marketing campaigns. In fact only today I have received emails from a host of the worlds great brands, Apple, Amazon and Netflix included. Surely this means these powerhouse brands still see a benefit?

However email marketing can be even more powerful for small businesses. As Co-Founder of Astonish Email, I see more than most the volume of small businesses using, and more importantly being successful with email marketing. 

Social Media is not replacing it

Most arguments for ‘the end’ of email marketing have come since the rise in social media marketing. But are they the same thing? Most businesses I know use both? Why should the rise in one affect the other?

Our experience actually shows that both email marketing and social media campaigns work better when used together, so our view is they don’t compete, they elevate each other!

Value for money, great ROI

Email marketing is an incredibly affordable way to reach a large number of contacts. Compared to more traditional direct marketing activities like direct mail, email marketing provides incredible value for money.

However, value for money should really be based on the return of investment you can expect. Latest research from eConsultancy suggests that in the UK Email Marketing returns are £21.48 for each £1 spent, which really is staggering!

It is simple to set up email campaigns

We really believe in the importance of email marketing for small businesses. This is why we have made a system that makes setting up and sending campaigns as simple as possible.  Every business owner can now carry out what may have once been seen as a ‘Techie’ kind of marketing activity. 

I understand everyone will have there own view on the future of email marketing, but I believe the points in this blog show there is plenty more time left for the marketing activity I love. 

Be great to hear your thoughts….

Adam L