Keep your contacts engaged with email marketing

When thinking about your relationships with customers, there’s one word that should pop into your head: engagement. As a small business, it’s crucial to keep your existing client base happy and actively involved with you and what you do. Whether they’re placing regular repeat orders or they’re brand new, the mission is the same – to find a way to keep your brand in their mind at all times. With email marketing deployed you can achieve this relatively easily and affordably.

Take your clients on journeys

By using customer journeys in your email campaigns, you can really keep people on the hook, so to speak. What we mean by ‘journey’ is a series of emails that share a common theme, perhaps sent fortnightly or monthly. In this way, you can engage your client base in a way that keeps them thinking of you – and checking their emails for the next slice of the pie. Email journeys can be based in visual themes, textual themes or any other kind of consistent narrative element that you think may work.

Know your audience

This is an important piece of advice in any form of marketing, but it works particularly well for email marketing. Generating content is one side of it, but the other is having that content resonate with the reader. If this doesn’t happen, engagement can suffer and the number of un-subscriptions will likely increase. Before crafting any email campaign, think carefully about who your customers are; what are their likes and dislikes, why have they chosen you, what do they really care about? This info can help you create a killer campaign.

Give them a reason to keep reading

It is vitally important that your email marketing campaigns are always providing value to your reader. Valuable content whether it is in the form of advice or an offer will keep your customers engaged with your communications. 

Email marketing campaigns can be hugely powerful and effective, but never forget to keep them engaging. It’s the heart of a successful campaign, and should be at the centre of your mind whenever you’re developing a new one.